The Hen Who Dreamed She Could Fly

Now the nights are getting darker, I’m starting to think more about lazy evenings curled up by the fire with a good book. I do have to admit that my recent track record for reading has been appalling and quite frankly, I blame Netflix!

I’m making an Autumn resolution to read more; it’s the perfect season for tea, biscuits and a book. I may also have been slightly influenced in this decision by a recent article in The Guardian about a survey which has found that, “people who read books for 30 minutes a day lived longer than those who didn’t read at all.”

With this in mind, I thought I’d tell you about a book that a lovely friend of mine bought for me as a gift, ‘The Hen Who Dreamed She Could Fly’ by Sun-Mi Hwang.

The story is about a little caged hen called Sprout. Each day she lays an egg only for it to be taken away and each day she sees a tantalising glimpse of a world outside the barn doors. Sprout desperately dreams of escaping the confines of her cage so she can experience freedom, life and motherhood. The book takes you on Sprout’s journey of bravery, courage, loyalty and sacrifice; an adventure that will captivate you from the first page.

Having seen hens in their hundreds in cages stacked row upon row, I’d already shed a tear (or two!) for Sprout’s plight well before I’d even finished the first chapter.


Whenever I help at a British Hen Welfare Trust rehoming day, there’s always a good chance that I’m going to come home with some new girls, usually poorly ones. After I’d read this book, I knew without doubt that one of the girls I got in the future would be called Sprout.

On 9th May, 2015 I got my Sprout and her story is definitely another post for another time. She was only with me for 6 months until 18th November 2015 but was absolutely deserving of being named after the heroine of the book.

‘The Hen Who Dreamed She Could Fly’ is simple and beautiful, a real gem. It won’t take long for you to read it, but Sprout and her story will stay with you for a very long time.

‘The Hen Who Dreamed She Could Fly’ is available in Paperback for under £10 from Amazon.

If you’ve read this gorgeous little book, or if you have your own special Sprout then why not let me know? Tweet me @tattyhentales, find me on Facebook My Chickens – Tatty Hen Tales, comment below or find me on Instagram – TattyHenTales

Happy Reading!


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